In 1960, when Muddy Waters recorded this album as a tribute to Big Bill Broonzy two years after Broonzy's death, he could be sure of Broonzy's approval. "Oh yeah, Muddy is a real singer for the Blues," Big Bill, the Mississippi foundation stone, was heard to say early on in Muddy Waters' career. Full of confidence after a Best Of compilation released on the Chess label in 1959 and his legendary appearance at the Newport Folk Festival, Muddy set down his own Broonzy songs. It goes almost without saying that such successful numbers as "I Feel So Good" and "Tell Me Baby" are overflowing with a Chicago feeling that gets right under your skin. Muddy's backing band includes Otis Spann, James Cotton and Willie "Big Eyes" Smith.[acousticsounds.com]
'Blues are the root. The rest is the fruit.' - Willie Dixon
Εάν παραδοθείς στη δύναμη και την αυθεντικότητα που αποπνέουν αυτές οι ηχογραφήσεις, πόσο ελάχιστα και ασήμαντα μπορούν να φαντάζουν τα υπόλοιπα...
ΜΠΡΑΒΟ για τις τρεις blues δισκάρες.
Καλό καλοκαίρι.
Ακριβως ετσι ειναι οπως τα λες.
Εαν αρχισεις μια ακροαση ενα βραδυ με blues δυστυχως στη συνεχεια δεν μπορεις να προσαρμοστεις σε τιποτα αλλο..... το εχω βιωσει!!!
Αντε με δυσκολια να πας λιγο στη Jazz η στο early rock & roll...
Αλλα ΟΚ και τα φρουτα καλα ειναι καμμια φορα για αλλες ωρες αμα ειναι καλης ποιοτητας...χαχαχαχαχα..
hi Georgie.Thank you for your two blogs.with it i listen to wonderful music that i never knew before.any chance to see 'smokey robinson's solo album 'on this blog ? thanks again.Ciao da milano by Max
Thank you always for all your beautifully presented posts. I'm not even a big blues fan but I couldn't resist! I've downloaded many many fantastic things from your two sites and check daily for new things!
Thank you the awesome posting i can really can dig it man thank you kindly
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