It's advantageous to get an early start on your chosen career, but Billy Preston took the concept to extremes. By age ten he was playing keyboards with gospel diva Mahalia Jackson, and two years later, in 1958, he was featured in Hollywood's film bio of W.C. Handy, St. Louis Blues, as young Handy himself. Preston was a prodigy on organ and piano, recording during the early '60s for Vee-Jay and touring with Little Richard. He was a loose-limbed regular on the mid-'60s ABC TV series Shindig, proving his talent as both vocalist and pianist, and he built an enviable reputation as a session musician, even backing the Beatles on their Let It Be album.
As the late John Holmes would tell you, it's damn near impossible to live up to a title as lofty as The Most Exciting Organ Ever, but Billy Preston does his best -- the raw physical power of Preston's performances are matched only by the imagination and virtuosity of his phrasing. The music bridges the sacred and the profane, fusing the deep, bold sound of the church with the razzle-dazzle of R&B. While Preston's innovative use of bass pedals lends the music its pendulous bottom, his melodies defy gravity, soaring and dive bombing like birds of prey in flight.[allmusic]
Here or
Also finding oron.com impossible .. such a shame!!
Fabulous. If you had the gospel album he did around this time, I'd love you forever!
Fantastic (thanks a lot).
Agree with Bulldog. Oron just doesn't work. Thanks for all your efforts. Pity!
Both of these, plus his Grezee Soul LP can be found on my own blog, although they arn't Jap re-masters. If anyone would like an invite you can email me at brianbrora@gmail.com
Always great to have new posts from you, but Oron isn't working for me.
i wish i could hear this, your blog is great but oron is undownloadable which is a shame..
Any chance you can provide this via anything other than Oron? I've registered and tried downloading the file on numerous occasions, but it is never available. Both of your blogs are real treasure troves of recordings that aren't available anywhere else, and it's a shame when they are placed out of our reach. Ta very much....
OK guys....back to Rapid again! hahaha!!!!
It seems ORON is friendly only for the premium members as I am but not for all the free users around the world....it depends to the country...who knows?
anyway i will continue uploading to ORON because it's very very easy & fast for me & many other visitors here but also I'll try to give an extra Rapid or Bandongo link for all the others...
I hope in a couple of days I will be able to give you another link for these 2 albums.
That's got it! The Rapid etc server assortment is a winner.
The music is terrific! Love that instrumental R&B sound.
Thanks, Georgie. New links are perfect! Much appreciated.
.... I think I speak for all ..THANKS FOR LISTENING !!
and of course thank you for the music.
thank you so much!
Oron worked fine for me.Thanks for this excellent album.
Thanks very much for the new links - those worked for me - I appreciate the extra effort you put into keeping your pesky followers happy!
Oh man, great blog! I have been looking for a lot of these albums. I still don't understand why the original albums weren't released like this on CDs when that format became the standard.
Do you have any Jimmy Jones, Nathaniel Meyer, O.V. Wright, and Nolan Strong albums before 1964?
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